Graduated students of law and social sciences-humanities from Serbia and abroad are invited to the meeting related to the enrollment at master`s study program LAW AND GENDER (LAWGEM) for academic year 2024/25.

The meeting will be held on Friday September 6, 2024, at 17.00 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Conference Hall)

Presentation of the Master’s study program Law and Gender (LAWGEM) at the panel dedicated to Gender Equality Day at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences

On 10th June, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) organized a panel dedicated to Gender Equality Day celebration. The panel was organized by the Committee for Gender Equality at FON, led by Professor Dr. Natasa Petrovic and speakers were Dr. Jelena Filipovic, a full professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Maja Brankovic Djundic, Manager of the United Nations Development Program in Serbia (UNDP), Damjan Radovanovic, Secretary of FON and member of the Gender Equality Committee, while the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade was represented by our Teaching Assistants Ana Memeti, a Teaching Assistant in Human Rights and International Judiciary, and Mina Kuzminac, a Teaching Assistant in Labour Law. Andrea Nikolic, a Teaching Assistant of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, and member of the Gender Equality Committee moderated the panel. (more…)


Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, uz podršku Fondacije Centar za demokratiju i Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, u petak, 21. juna 2024. organizuje promociju master programa Law and Gender (Pravo i rod), povodom upisa prve generacije studenata u školskoj 2024/25. godini.

Nastava na akreditovanom programu master akademskih studija Law and Gender u celosti se izvodi na engleskom jeziku. Pravo upisa imaju studenti sa završenim studijama prava, društvenih i humanističkih nauka, menadžmenta i biznisa, a nakon završenog mastera dobijaju zvanje – Master prava – Pravo i rod, koji na engleskom jeziku glasi: Master of Laws in Law and Gender. (more…)

Info Day 2

Graduated students of law and social sciences-humanities from Serbia and abroad are invited to the meeting related to the enrollment at master`s study program LAW AND GENDER (LAWGEM) for academic year 2024/25.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday May 29, 2024, at 17.00 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Conference Hall)

Open Day

Graduated students of law and social sciences humanities from Serbia and abroad are invited to the meeting related to the enrollment at master`s study program LAW AND GENDER (LAWGEM) for academic year 2024/25.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 17.00 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Conference Hall)

Enrollment of the 1st Generation of Students

University of Belgrade Faculty of Law will enroll the first generation of master’s students for the master’s academic studies in English − Law and Gender (LAWGEM) in the academic year 2024/25.

This pioneering, innovative master’s study program, which reconsiders legal studies from gender equality perspective is extraordinary relevant for judges, lawyers, all legal professionals, public administration, state officials, policy makers, human resources officers, journalists, NGO representatives, etc.

Enrollment at LAWGEM 2024/25 will be conducted in September/October 2024. (more…)