No. Surname and name Academic title Course/s
1. Vujadinović Dragica Full Professor Feminist Political and Legal Theories

Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History

2. Jovanović Miodrag Full Professor Methodology and Practical Skills

Feminist Political and Legal Theories

3. Radović Vuk Full Professor Gender Equality and Business Law
4. Krstić Ivana Full Professor Gender Equality Legal Clinic

Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective

Feminist Judgements

International and European Law and Gender Equality

5. Davinić Marko Full Professor Public Law and Gender Equality
6. Jovanić Tatjana Full Professor Public Policies on Gender Equality
7. Marinković Tanasije Full Professor Feminist Political and Legal Theories

Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective

Feminist Judgements

Public Law and Gender Equality

8. Jevremović Petrović Tatjana Full Professor Gender Equality and Business Law
9. Radulović Branko Full Professor Public Policies on Gender Equality
10. Kovačević Ljubinka Full Professor Gender Perspective of Labour Law

Gender Perspective of Social Security Law

11. Radović Mirjana Full Professor Gender Equality and Business Law
12. Drenovak Ivanović Mirjana Full Professor Public Policies on Gender Equality
13. Vuković Danilo Full Professor Public Policies on Gender Equality


Sociology of Law and Gender Equality

14. Stanimirović Vojislav Associate Professor Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History
15. Čučković Bojana Associate Professor Gender Equality Legal Clinic

International and European Law and Gender Equality

Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective

16. Lukić Radović Maja Associate Professor Feminist Judgements
17. Kostić Svetislav Associate Professor Gender Equitable Taxation
18. Lepetić Jelena Associate Professor Gender Equality and Business Law
19. Spaić Bojan Associate Professor Feminist Political and Legal Theories
20. Novaković Uroš Associate Professor Gender Competent Family Law
21. Dolović Bojić Katarina Associate Professor Private Law and Gender Equality
22. Tešić Nenad Associate Professor Private Law and Gender Equality
23. Lukić Natalija Associate Professor Gender Competent Criminology
24. Đorđević Milena Assistant Professor Methodology and Practical Skills


Private Law and Gender Equality

25. Kršljanin Nina Assistant Professor Methodology and Practical Skills


Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History

26. Marković Ivana Assistant Professor Gender Competent Criminal Law
27. Dabić Nikićević Snežana Assistant Professor Private Law and Gender Equality
28. Babović Vuksanović Branka Assistant Professor Private Law and Gender Equality
29. Ilić Nikola Assistant Professor Gender Economics
30. Odorović Ana Teaching Assistant Gender Economics
31. Dabetić Valerija Teaching Assistant Sociology of Law and Gender Equality
32. Vlajković Marija Teaching Assistant International and European Law and Gender Equality


Gender Equality Legal Clinic

33. Živković Lidija Teaching Assistant Gender Equitable Taxation
34. Divac Una Teaching Assistant Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History
35. Barać Ivana Teaching Assistant Gender Competent Family Law