The study program shall consist of four mandatory courses on law and gender, plus two mandatory courses with practical dimension – the course Methodology and Practical skills and the course Gender Equality Legal Clinic, and the list of 13 optional courses, from which each student chooses four courses.

The study program shall contain four common mandatory courses, called: 1) Feminist Legal and Political Theories, 2) Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective, 3) International and EU Law and Gender Equality and 4) Feminist Judgements.

The course Methodology and Practical Skills, consisting of Gender equality glossaries analysis, research methodology with a special focus on the feminist methodology and gender equality analysis, English legal terminology, and Internet skills, is also mandatory. For all students will be also mandatory to attend the Legal Clinic called Gender Equality Legal Clinic. Classes of the Legal Clinic encompass studying of case law on gender discrimination and gender based violence within different anti-discriminatory fields, as well as the practical work of students.

In the first semester five from the above mentioned six mandatory courses shall be attended by all students.

In the second semester the student shall opt for four courses from the given list of 13 optional courses, and shall attend the mandatory course Gender Equality Legal Clinic.

Student shall be obliged to write and defend the master`s thesis at the end of the study program.

Semester 1

Mandatory courses

  1. Methodology and Practical Skills – 4 ECTS
  2. Feminist Political and Legal Theories – 6 ECTS
  3. Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective – 6 ECTS
  4. International and European Law and Gender Equality – 6 ECTS
  5. Feminist Judgements – 8 ECTS

Semester 2

Optional courses

(Students opt for four courses, 4×3 ECTS=12 ECTS):

  1. Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History – 3 ECTS
  2. Private Law and Gender Equality – 3 ECTS
  3. Public Law and Gender Equality – 3 ECTS
  4. Gender Economics – 3 ECTS
  5. Gender Equality and Business Law – 3 ECTS
  6. Gender Equitable Taxation – 3 ECTS
  7. Gender Competent Family Law – 3 ECTS
  8. Gender Competent Criminal Law – 3 ECTS
  9. Gender Competent Criminology – 3 ECTS
  10. Gender Perspective of Labor Law – 3 ECTS
  11. Gender Perspectives of Social Security Law – 3 ECTS
  12. Sociology of Law and Gender Equality – 3 ECTS
  13. Public Policies on Gender Equality – 3 ECTS

Mandatory Legal Clinic

Gender Equality Legal Clinic – 3 ECTS

Master’s Thesis

15 ECTS (10 ECTS – study and research work and preparation of Master’s Thesis, 5 ECTS – drafting and defense of Master’s Thesis)

In total: 60 ECTS